What is Cabnit?

Cabnit, Inc. is a company comprised of industry-leading experts, providing managed services, incorporating all facets of enterprise content management, output management, and content compliance. Utilizing Systemware’s full-featured content services platform deployed in the public cloud, Cabnit administers all your organization’s content services needs, whether it’s simply using the public cloud for content storage and access or fully managing your entire content ecosystem. Cabnit is staffed by content management professionals with decades of experience spanning most industries, business sizes, competitive technologies, as well as the Systemware platform. As a hosted service, Cabnit removes the barriers of infrastructure, technology expertise, and security concerns that may have prevented your organization from implementing a modern, secure, and intelligent suite of content services.

What can Cabnit do for you?

Cabnit offers a range of infrastructure-related managed services


Cabnit provisions, manages, and monitors all infrastructure essential to maintaining your content services environment in the public cloud. Cabnit also supports a hybrid environment allowing you to control access to existing systems, including your cloud-based storage and IBM Z platform.

Cabnit offers a range of software-related content management managed services

Software and Services

Cabnit will configure and deploy your entire Systemware platform tailored to your exact specifications and unique requirements. This includes integration with your existing security, importing all of your legacy content and report definitions, custom applications support, and configuration for load balancing and system capacity.

An icon showing human resources

Alleviate Resource Constraints

Cabnit’s managed services provide a comprehensive solution to alleviate resource constraints in your organization by offloading your content management responsibilities to our expert team, allowing your team to focus on core business activities while ensuring efficient and reliable content services. Cabnit’s expertise in managing legacy systems ensures that your organization can maintain and optimize these aging systems even in the face of a dwindling workforce with the ability to support them.

Systemware, Inc. - Transforming your Enterprise Content Management

The Power of the Systemware Content Services Platform

For over 40 years, many of world’s largest and most regulated institutions have relied on the Systemware content services platform for their critical business needs. The Systemware platform is tailorable to operate with IBM Z based systems, hybrid architectures, distributed, and cloud-based systems to seamlessly connect content across your organization, making it easy to capture, manage, find, automate, and deliver to the right person at the right time.

Extensive Flexibility

No two companies have the exact same needs. The extensive flexibility offered by the Systemware platform allows the Cabnit team to create a tailored deployment and user experience. Perhaps you are required to store all customer content on premises but would like everything else deployed in the cloud. Cabnit can do that. Perhaps you have specific requirements for what is and isn’t accessible in the user interface. Cabnit can do that, too.

Flexible Hosting Options

Cabnit offers flexible hosting models to best accommodate the custom needs of your organization.

  • Fully Hosted SaaS model – You provide the business content, and we take it from there.
  • Hybrid deployment SaaS model.
  • Compliant Bulk Storage for store and forget data.

Service Level Agreements

SLAs are critical to our business relationships and clearly define the high quality of service and availability you can expect to receive from your investment. At Cabnit, our SLAs provide a promise and commitment to your organization that is fully supported and upheld by our team.

Convenient Pricing Models

Cabnit offers convenient pricing models tailored to fit your unique organizational budget, needs, and objectives. For more information about Cabnit pricing, speak with one of our content services experts today at (469) 676-9527.

Why Choose Cabnit?

An icon showing in-house support and development at Systemware

In-house Support and Development

Our product development and support teams are not outsourced to third-party consulting or service groups, so there is never a question of ownership. Cabnit provides round-the-clock support with a real person, available 24x7x365 to assist you.

An icon showing various infrastructure types

No Infrastructure Costs

Maintaining and upgrading your in-house system’s infrastructure is expensive and time-consuming. With Cabnit, all infrastructure, deployment, and management costs are incorporated into your recurring monthly fee. Utilizing the robust elasticity offered in Systemware’s platform, system sizing is scaled up and down immediately as conditions dictate with no fear of slowdowns due to lack of capacity.

An icon showing fast time to market when using Cabnit

Fast Time to Market

The years of experience at Cabnit enable fast implementation, allowing your organization to be up and running on Cabnit in days. In the case of migrations from legacy systems, Cabnit’s experience allows for content migrations quickly without disruption.

An icon showing automatic updates to the platform

Automatic Updates

Automatic software and security updates keep your systems up to date with the latest software releases and ensure compliance is being properly maintained. New features and functionality are added transparently with no disruption to business processes.

An icon showing the high level of security that Cabnit offers

Security Above and Beyond

Cabnit provides client security integration, ISO 27001 and SOC 2 compliance, with encrypted storage and transmissions, ensuring proper data protection standards are being followed and your organizational content is secure.

An icon showing monitoring and usage analysis

Monitoring & Usage Analysis

The Cabnit support team actively monitors your systems ensuring stringent service levels are being met. Cabnit proactively troubleshoots issues and conducts usage analysis utilizing integrated usage reporting tools to inform organizations of inefficiencies and areas in need of improvement.


According to Forrester,


of companies are now utilizing a
SaaS model for their digital experience needs.